Flourish Health Group is a new, architecturally designed hub for medical & allied health professionals.

Based in Highett, Bayside, Flourish Health Group is home to a diverse range of highly skilled health professionals. We offer a range of medical & allied health-care services to promote holistic health care to the community.

Contact Dr Meera

About Me
Dr Meera Aurora is a Clinical and Forensic psychologist who has 23 years’ experience in helping people to get the best from themselves. Her primary focus is on assisting clients to obtain a strong sense of themselves and their psychological needs, along with developing healthy ways to obtain these in their relationships and general life.

Clinical work
Meera is passionate about helping people find meaning and flourish in their lives and routinely works with clinical issues such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, grief and loss, stress and interpersonal difficulties. Meera’s primary mode of therapy is Schema Therapy, a treatment approach that addresses issues at their core as opposed to treating the symptoms of a problem, which assists in creating long-lasting change. She completed her Schema Therapy certification in NJ, USA, with Dr Jeffery Young, the founder of the therapy, and credits schema therapy with what she values most
about working with people – the opportunity to work with clients in their most vulnerable states and create great, trusting, therapeutic relationships.

Meera has an interest in assisting fellow clinicians to develop their clinical practice, with a strong focus on process issues in supervision. She has provided supervision to provisional and registered psychologists for 17 years, including assisting individuals to complete their Registrar program in order to obtain a higher degree.

Reflective Practice and Training
Meera has held management, supervision and training roles across justice and health departments of Government and most recently has been responsible for designing, developing and implementing a Reflective Practice and Well-being Framework to service 300 multidisciplinary staff. Formal qualitative and quantitative evaluation has demonstrated statistically significant results in factors such as role clarity, comfortability and self-efficacy, all of which positively impact on psychological wellbeing. She currently runs reflective practice sessions for allied health and medical
staff across various Forensic and Mental Health organisations.

At Love Your Mind Psychology, Meera consults to organizations and teams and provides clinical support services and wellbeing for employees and the general public.


Please get in touch if you would like to find out more.

Dr Meera Aurora

Clinical and Forensic Psychologist

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